sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

yesterday we stayed in the house to rest, but at night we went to
the ellis park to see Spain vs Honduras.
We were sorruonded of spains fans that were really exiciting with the
victory of their team.
During this morning we went to an enormous place full of outlets.Then we went to the biggest mall of pretoria called Menlyn.We bought a lot of things an we eat there.
tomorrow we will go to the stadium very early and we will continue telling you all.
Here we leave you a video of the match and some pictures.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

How we have told you yesterday we aré in Soweto, this is a small but
important town where Mandela had lived. The main attraccion is the
pieterson musseum, whose name comes from the death of a young student
that was killed unfair during the aparheid,
In this musseum the people can learn and read about the Anc (african
national congress) led by Nelson Mandela.
The story of Héctor pieterson (6 years old) a boy that was killed dur
ing a pacific protest. His death movilized the black comunity.
5 january of 1976 begans the conflicts because the black young
students wanted to go to the school or the posibilitie of an
instrunction for the future and the 16 of june marked the beginning of
the Soweto uprisings with Hector death.
We also visited Mandela's house and we could appreciated a show fron
the local's
Then we went to the bargentino that is a place where all the
argentines go to spend some time and talk about the world cup.

sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

This image is from the argentine embassy
Southafrica is a beautiful country with a great history and a lot of curiosities.we learn a lot of their culture and traditions. Here in Pretoria where we aré living the people is very friendly and kind ,except in one of their capitals johanesburg. The city where aregentina had played two of the three matches of the first round. Here the black people is really agresive with the white people.

They really heat them for all the things that had happened during theirn history They were treated like animals, they didn't have rights or the oportunity to get a good Job,until Now the difference is really remarkable the white people wins much moré money than the black people. The england's and netherlands colonie's invaided their Lands and killed the black people like a Game, one of the most important characters os this story is cruger from netherlands ,A millionare white man that arrived to this Landa saying that he would broght progreso when he really want to dominate southafrica África for his own benefice.

southafrica África was divided between white and black people during all their history , in the past they cant woke in the dame street, went to the samebathrk om, or even lesa worked together, the countri was divided ,until the victory of the best president that Sudáfrica had Ever had , Nelson Mandela, the first black president. for all the people that we have talk he is most than an ex. President he is a símbol, for example the day before the inauguration madela lost a nieta, that was terrible for him and for the people of all Sudáfrica that love him like their own family, he is the responsable os the unification of this beautiful country. He wanted that the white people accept the black ones and viceverza.The national suothafrican gobernment had led this country since 1995. This is part of the history of this country and we will looking foward information

About southafrica África:Lot of persones think in southafrica África like a poor country without progresa but we,luca and firvi, can demostrate that that is a false idea, this is not a country of the first world but is really prepared to produce something so important like the football world cup. A great infrastructure, very safe avenues and grat hotels and safe places where the people can saty during this show.

Some curiosities:
All the people know about lesoto, the country independence country inside sudáfrica but suasilandia is an another country that the most of the people dont know
In Pretoria and johanesburg a never rains is not. Common to ser big rains.
Here the white people from nedherland is calles "boers"
Waka waka measn time to shine bright

Today we visited a Lion park , is really interesting because is not like the zoo in Argentina in this park the people pay the entrance and aré allow to drive by a big field surrounded of lions, chhetas, springbocks and moré animals. Images After the lion park we went to Melrouse arch is like puerto Madero in Argentina , with beautiful restaurante and shops
At night we went to a bar for black people, first we were a little scared but when we enteres we realised that they aré very friendly and they trates ua great.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Soweto and we will write about de aparheid