miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

How we have told you yesterday we aré in Soweto, this is a small but
important town where Mandela had lived. The main attraccion is the
pieterson musseum, whose name comes from the death of a young student
that was killed unfair during the aparheid,
In this musseum the people can learn and read about the Anc (african
national congress) led by Nelson Mandela.
The story of Héctor pieterson (6 years old) a boy that was killed dur
ing a pacific protest. His death movilized the black comunity.
5 january of 1976 begans the conflicts because the black young
students wanted to go to the school or the posibilitie of an
instrunction for the future and the 16 of june marked the beginning of
the Soweto uprisings with Hector death.
We also visited Mandela's house and we could appreciated a show fron
the local's
Then we went to the bargentino that is a place where all the
argentines go to spend some time and talk about the world cup.

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